Sapp, Phyllis Woodruff

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Sapp, Phyllis Woodruff
Phyllis Woodruff Sapp is an accomplished writer, speaker, book reviewer, and editor with several published books. Some of her titles  include Small Giant and Life at Its Best. Small Giant, a Christian novel about a man fighting crime, won the Zondervan Publishing Company International Christian Fiction Contest. Phyllis has also been listed twice in Who’s Who of American Women for her accomplishments.

Phyllis was a pious woman and made sharing her Christian values an important part of her work. She served several Baptist churches by teaching and writing their curriculum. She was an active member of the community, serving as chair of the Oklahoma City Civil Rights Commission and working with the Oklahoma City YWCA. She was the National Vice President of the National League of American Pen Women, a society for professional women in the arts. Phyllis and her husband began their own businesses, Sapp Realty and the Sapp Institute of Real Estate, where she served as an instructor. Phyllis can be remembered as a gifted and hardworking creative.