
On this digital history website, we offer public access to a broad range of information, including historical materials that may contain offensive images or negative stereotypes. You should view such materials in the historical context in which they were created. All historical media are presented as specific, original artifacts, without further enhancement to their appearance or quality, as a record of the era in which they were produced.

Since our founding in 1872, Alpha Phi has been an organization of women who come together in support of each other. When we do not support one another, we fail to fulfill our promise to our sisters. Alpha Phi history is a tapestry of our members’ stories, and we must acknowledge that some of those stories have not always illustrated the high ideals of Alpha Phi. We apologize for the actions of members that have not been aligned with the ideals of Alpha Phi. Racism, hate, bigotry and violence have no place in Alpha Phi and are in complete contradiction with our purpose; we will not stand silently by as our communities and the world are impacted by violence and injustice. If we cease to support each other in pursuit of justice, equality, kindness, safety and truth, we cease to uphold the values which Alpha Phi and so many others hold dear.

Alpha Phi values diversity and does not discriminate based on race, national origin, religion, disability, age, gender identity, sexual orientation or any other class protected by state, local or federal law. Members, undergraduates and alumnae, are encouraged to promote and demonstrate an understanding of diversity, both on the college campus and in the world community.