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Beta Epsilon Chapter Composite Detail, Kristie Russell, 1992-1993

Year: 1992 - 1993

Beta Epsilon Chapter Composite Detail, Nicolette Tailer, 1992-1993

Year: 1992 - 1993

Beta Epsilon Chapter Composite Detail, Natalie Dettman, 1992-1993

Year: 1992 - 1993

Beta Epsilon Chapter Composite Detail, Kelley Erickson, 1992-1993

Year: 1992 - 1993

Beta Epsilon Chapter Composite Detail, Megan Harn, 1992-1993

Year: 1992 - 1993

Beta Epsilon Chapter Composite Detail, Shannon Kouts, 1992-1993

Year: 1992 - 1993

Beta Epsilon Chapter Composite Detail, Becky Lombardi, 1992-1993

Year: 1992 - 1993

Beta Epsilon Chapter Composite Detail, Michelle Muradoglo, 1992-1993

Year: 1992 - 1993

Beta Epsilon Chapter Composite Detail, Jena Nichols, 1992-1993

Year: 1992 - 1993

Beta Epsilon Chapter Composite Detail, Christine Papajohn, 1992-1993

Year: 1992 - 1993