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Founders of Alpha Phi Composite Detail, Florence Chidester Lukens, 1872
Year: 1872
Founders of Alpha Phi Composite Detail, Elizabeth Grace Hubbell Shults, 1872
Year: 1872
Founders of Alpha Phi Composite Detail, Martha Foote Crow, 1872
Year: 1872
Founders of Alpha Phi Composite Detail, Clara Bradley Burdette, 1872
Year: 1872
Founders of Alpha Phi Composite Detail, Ida Gilbert Houghton, 1872
Year: 1872
Founders of Alpha Phi Composite Detail, Louise Shepard Hancock, 1872
Year: 1872
Founders of Alpha Phi Composite Detail, Clara Sittser Williams and Rena Michaels Atchison, 1872
Year: 1872
Founders of Alpha Phi Composite Detail, Kate Hogoboom Gilbert, 1872
Year: 1872
Founders of Alpha Phi Composite Detail, Jane S. Higham, 1872
Year: 1872